Stunning Canvas Prints. Artist quality woven canvas, high res. print. We ONLY use the highest quality materials.


Transform your images into beautiful canvas prints with Stretford Studios.
Stretford Studios canvas prints can really make your images come alive.
We print on to real woven canvas and all of our canvas prints are hand stretched over a robust, handcrafted timber frame.
Ideal for capturing those special moments such as Weddings & Anniversaries. Our Canvas prints make a great gift
All canvases stretched around our timber frames are secured at the rear, no staples are visible and all products are carefully checked in order to prevent any scuffing or scratching that could arise from hanging the product on your wall. The finished product is then shipped ready to hang.
Digitally printed at high resolutions and using colour fast inks, our Canvas prints provide a fantastic way of displaying your images and photos and lighting up any wall.
Producing canvas prints from your photos is easier and less expensive than you may think. All we need from you is the original scan or photograph and we will do the rest!
Stunning Canvas Prints. Artist quality woven canvas, high res. print. We ONLY use the highest quality materials.